ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: Omar Itani “How to Become a Social Entrepreneur in an Arab Country” | Omar Itani | TEDxMisrata

ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: Omar Itani “How to Become a Social Entrepreneur in an Arab Country” | Omar Itani | TEDxMisrata

Here’s Great Tip: Omar Itani “How to Become a Social Entrepreneur in an Arab Country” | Omar Itani | TEDxMisrata

Here is Something You Should See…

“كيف تصبح رائداً اجتماعياً في بلد عربي”
إذا كنت تطمح في المساعدة لحل إحدى مشاكل بلدك أو الوطن العربي أو حتى العالم.. ولكنك لست بسياسي ولا رجل أعمال ولا صاحب جمعية، ماهو الأسلوب الذي تستطيع به تحقيق هدفك؟
في خطابه يجيب عمر العيتاني عن هذا التساؤل.. موضحًا أربعة أشياء يعتبرها مهمة في تجربته الريادية، بدايةً من قصته وهو طالب في المدرسة، ومن ثم هدفه، انتقالًا إلى سر بسيط ساعده في مجال الريادة، ويختتم حديثه بخمس نصائح للشباب الطموحين ليساعدهم على التغيير.
عمر رائد اجتماعي من لبنان، مؤسس شركة FabricAid

“How to Become a Social Entrepreneur in an Arab Country”
If you were willing to help solve a certain problem in your country, the Arab world, or even the world… but you were not a politician, a businessman, or an owner of an association. How would you reach that goal?
Omar Itani answers this question in his speech, elaborating four important points according to his entrepreneurial experience, starting with his story as a student, his goal, a simple secret that aided him in entrepreneurship, and ending with five pieces of advice for the ambitious youth to make a change.
Omar is a social entrepreneur from Lebanon, and the founder of FabricAid Company Omar is a social entrepreneur from Lebanon, and the founder of FabricAid Company This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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