ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: أعترف بأني صنيعة كلمات أمي | Sara Abu Ali | TEDxJubileeSchool

ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: أعترف بأني صنيعة كلمات أمي | Sara Abu Ali | TEDxJubileeSchool

Here’s Great Tip: أعترف بأني صنيعة كلمات أمي | Sara Abu Ali | TEDxJubileeSchool

Here is Something You Should See…

Sara Abu Ali was born blind, but she didn’t let her disability stop her from helping others who are visually impaired. She starts her story by expressing the difficulties she faced while being blind, and how education was challenging for her, due to the lack of materials and resources available for braille learning. She also talks about the applications and methods she personally developed to facilitate learning for herself and other blind people. She also managed to help others overcome their daily challenged by identifying objects and strategically scanning their surroundings.

تعدّ سارة أبو علي ناشطة في مجال حقوق ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصّة، كما أنّها قد أسست مبادرة تهدف لتعليم الأطفال فاقدي البصر القراءة والكتابة من خلال نظام البرايل ولتعليم المتحدثين التّواصل بلغة الإشارة، حيث يعمل أحد أعضاء المبادرة على توفير النّصوص التّعليميّة والكتب، والمتوفّرة بشكل Microsoft word والمسجّلة من أجل طلبة الجامعات فاقدي البصر. كما أن سارة أبو علي أسست لتطبيقين ذكيّين يساعدان في دفع فاقدي البصر للاستقلاليّة الذّاتيّة التّامة.
Sara Abu Ali, an activist of disable people rights, a founder of an initiative aims to
teach the blind children reading and writing by using brail system and to teach
speakers the sign language, a member in an initiative that aims at providing the
educational textbooks, printed on Microsoft word and recorded, for the universities
blind students. Additionally, she found two applications for the goal of helping blinds
to reach their in-dependency. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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