Business Tips: I WISH | DailyVee 028
Awesome Tip: I WISH | DailyVee 028
watch all of my journey as an entrepreneur HERE:
Thank you for the additional footage Ryan Sharma.
music featured in this DAILYVEE:
♫ “Autumn’s Arrival” By Ronak Bear –
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 5 locations. Gary is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times Bestselling Author, and has been named to both Crain’s and Fortune’s 40 Under 40 lists.
Gary is the host of the #AskGaryVee Show, a business and marketing focused Q&A video show and podcast, as well as DailyVee, a docu-series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO, investor, speaker, and public figure in today’s digital age.
Make sure to stay tuned for Gary’s latest project Planet of the Apps, Apple’s very first video series, where Gary will be a judge alongside Will.I.Am, Jessica Alba, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
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37 Replies to “Business Tips: I WISH | DailyVee 028”
Love that someone brought this during today's live.
Still here.
Still doing.
Let’s go!
To this day this is still my favorite DailyVee of all time. This changed everything for me. Thank you Gary.
this was an amazing edit DROCK!!!!
How you make your money is more important than how much you make! Classic Gary V! Thanks DRock. See ya soon!
Powerful video. Damn
This is a really good one. Does DRock edit as well?
I was dead inside for many years last few months things are getting better, but I will put me in a position to success
This hit me in the feels so hard.
Gary, you are so awesome! Every video of yours that I watch makes me more interested in actually attending your funeral. This is probably the only thing that I would be able to do FOR YOU in my life, and honestly bro, I feel I owe you. Thank you for you, Gary V!!
Another great rant Gary, talking about happiness
In Polish I believe the nearest word for hustle will be "napierać" but there is no noun for man that hustle. In sport, extreme sports people say "napieraj!" and that means "be strong and fight till the end" but it's not about speed, so I don't know if that's the best word. "Zasuwać" means working hard and quick, but again no noun for man. I believe that "działać" will be ok, and than "działacz" as noun. But that word has bed relationship to past dude that was in communism party
Solid. Absolutely solid.
"How you make your money, is more important than how much you make." You hit the nail on the head once again, I really love this, by far the most realist shit I have seen in a long time. Thank you for being the inspiration I can now call upon. Thank you
Damn I have watch a lot a lot of your content already but Damn i have to say these one really hit me man!! Gary your really are for real!!! #therealmvp
Gary, in the middle of my hustle, being a mom of two, and working on my business, you're my vitamin, my booster, you're thousand miles away but i can feel you, your kind heart. Really, more than anyone i know in last 28 years. You're the one who kicking me in the ass, punch me in a face, but also the one who gives me a hug and give me a power to do it one more time and keep going keep moving. I cant believe beyond anything, miles, religion, nationality, you can touch one life. One day i wish we can meet, and you can see what you've done. You've changed my whole life. Im in a game now. I'll let you see the result, one day one day. It's bcs of gary vaynerchuck. Random guy that i found on instagram. Gary, i wish you always in a good health. God bless you and your family.
class video
this episode was soo good man n deep too ahahahah love it!!
Gary: This is one of my favorite episodes yet. I like hearing more about your 20's and those conversations with those 90-yo folks. Please continue to share more about it.
DRock: at 8'30'', there seems to be a typo in the caption for Raisa. I think that by "Busienss" you meant to say, "Business". Loved the background music in this one. Way to go!
Cheers and keep it up guys!
This video hit me hard.
So, so impactful!! The divide between our definitions of Success and true Legacy is often very wide
GaryVee I'm humbled by the Dublin, London experience… Can see these as your most significant proof of your legacy… DRock… You are awesome storyteller
This made me cry so I had to share. The best.
Think this is your best one, sounds very reflective, shout to DRock, love the 30 for 30 Soundtrack…I'm an architect, and I don't want to work for a boss anymore. what do you say to professionals?
That was amazing. Drock i hope you'll read this, that was absolutley amazing editing, you are amazing.
I agree with the old people quote you made.
I think this video could be great in a shorter form with just the bit with Gary on the stage cause thats a good message.
My favorite one. Could have been a standalone honestly.
wow this was by far the best episode yet so inspirational
Dude Gary, I love this video. That last line has been resonating with me the last couple weeks. I'm still trying to define what my strengths are so i can use them to impact other people's lives, but i know i don't want to just hoard money i made from trading stocks or buying and selling. The why and how are really more important than the checks themselves. Thanks again. I'll keep sharing.
Amazing episode!
My absolute favorite episode of DailyVee, just ahead of Empathy and Gratitude. Really great stuff! I love the message of taking action now so that you don't regret later in life.
Thanks Gary, I'm incredibly motivated by your hustle. You are a true New Yorker. Before when I would think of going to sleep I would if I had time, now I shake myself and work on my skills instead.
Aside from the awful swearing of f-bombs which made my ears bleed this was a message I needed to remind myself to push through and I TRY and just follow the Nike logo JUST DO IT without overthinking things and do something great in life instead of moping how little I've got! Now I'm gonna take that little and give it all I've got!!
So thanks
I love that it's not about the money, it's about how you feel!!! Never saying, "I wish I had…." thanks Gary!!