Business Tips: 99u Keynote: How to Storytell in a Fast Paced World

Business Tips: 99u Keynote: How to Storytell in a Fast Paced World

Awesome Tip: 99u Keynote: How to Storytell in a Fast Paced World

It’s all about finding a way to tell your story while finding a way to respect your users’ time. Just remember that this time around it’s more about CONTEXT than CONTENT.

Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author, self-taught wine expert, and innovative entrepreneur. Find more at

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is now available on Amazon!

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48 Replies to “Business Tips: 99u Keynote: How to Storytell in a Fast Paced World”

  1. please please please cant you give me permission to use the like first 4 seconds or something i am ADHD and i drowning, uni, kids, i know what i need to do, too to go about it solves for to her the same you describe, but i can get off the ground

  2. I agree that many dislike a phone call. I get the control of time. I love the social networks but I much prefer person to person, whether on phone or in person. But I agree with the message whole heartedly. The reality is it will only gets faster.

  3. Hey Gary, Thanks for bringing me so much value and helping me feel like I am not only catching up on social media networks and some of the other tech world, but teaching me your wisdom so I feel actually a bit ahead of the masses so I can implement what you teach and actually do things right to bring value to others and turn a business out of it. Just bought your book Jab, Right hook. I'm looking forward to your next one as well

  4. Two things. 1) I watched this video in its entirety because a friend sent one of Gary's rants to me and piqued my interest. "Light-weight and quick…The way we roll." 2) I honestly can barely make it through the content because of Gary's profanity, but he has got a TON to say that is incredibly on target. "We have the creative freedom to act human…bring value, bring value…ask for the business."

  5. "Everybody's full of shit"  – people trying to disguise their real motive, sneak up on us while we are off-guard and hit us with a rubbish tweet that's easy to smell a mile off.

    The CLUETRAIN Manifesto exposed all this in 1999.

  6. Storytelling to the psychology of people – how many work hard to become psychologically insightful or even psychologically wise?  

    "They're not even fucking looking at the road anymore…"

    I give up – I could be here commenting along with Gary playing in my earbuds.  This is what I do when I watch TV

  7. Respect the nuances of the digital platform… So challenging.

    A 89% open rate years ago…

    Marketers ruin everything…

    Groupon – I subscribed until they sent me too much – then I unsubscribed.

    Best quality content = rare – unusual – scarce.  By definition.  You can't be the best and be in a category that has lots of others.

    This is like a transmedia version of "Jab Jab Jab RIGHTHOOK"

  8. "We're fucking human beings" – this guy is so fuckin talented – it's unfair.  
    Storytelling in micro-moments – superb.  Language like "take a piss" is so refreshing because it's how we speak when we are not on stage.  That's human talking.

    Doing business the inhuman way is speaking correctly, always so polite our grandfathers wouldn't punish us for speaking the way he spoke when out with his mates.

    It's bloody unfair that Gary is so far ahead of me.

  9. More quality nibbles. Just like fishing. Throw your fishing pole in the water where Gary Vaynerchuk swims and you get a trophy you can hang on the wall or a pan fish you can eat. Either way, you win. Thanks for the information Gary!

  10. @Gary Vaynerchuk is such an excellent storyteller, it's really remarkable. This is an excellent primer on how online marketing, especially social marketing, should work.

    The only thing I think people miss with Gary is that his family's business was already doing fairly well. Obviously, he took it to another level, but he wasn't stating from "nothing". I bring this up because the new emphasis on marketing seems to often forget that a great product is the beginning of great marketing. I think marketing gurus such as Gary expect that you have a great product, but I think for the average business owner, there is a need to take a step back and make sure you're delivering exceptional services.

    Every skilled football player does not become a professional, but every professional football player is skilled- this is a necessary but insufficient condition, but it's a minimum nonetheless.

  11. Love this – love the energy, the ideas, and the swearing (because it's part of the open, inspiring flow of the story telling about story telling) — It is always important to try and figure out how to work within the specificity of a medium, to learn it's peculiar language or "grammar", rather than trying to force fit everything into different mediums in the same way.  

  12. We're in control of the one asset we give the most f@#$ about… our time.

    In his latest keynote @Gary Vaynerchuk asks the audience a simple question I want you to ask yourself, "Do you get pissed when someone calls you on the phone?"

    70% of the audience raised their hand.

    I probably would have too…

    Here's why…

    …in 2014, the asset we value most dear is our time. 

    I'm not against talking on the telephone, not at all, but rarely do I appreciate at all an unsolicited phone call from someone outside my closest circle. It's not that I don't want to talk to you or that don't find value in our relationship. But you interrupting my time, pisses me off.

    Gary goes on to relate this idea to how we tell stories online and to be honest, I agree with him 100%. I know you Old Schoolers out there are going to disagree, but stories that interrupt simply don't spread.

    Do you get pissed when someone calls you unscheduled?

    #storytelling   #marketing   #storytellingin2014  

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