TEST: Where To Get No Cost Royalty Free Music For Your Videos
Adding music to your videos can help to increase engagement, sales and more. We love to add music to most of our videos.
Another great RockStar Tip is to use music during your videos if you have background noise like kids, cars outside or anything else that might distract your viewers.
Get The Free Music Here: http://RockstarEntrepreneur.com/freemusic
All right. So in this video, I’m going to show you where to get awesome, royalty free music that you can use, costs you nothing, and there is lots of music to choose from. It’s called Teknoaxe, and you don’t spell it the normal way you spell techno. You can see the URL right here. Once you go there then it’s a little difficult to navigate, but once you get the hang of it, it will make more sense.
[00:00:30] The first thing you do is I like to go over here into the music section right here, and then you’ve got techno, rock, orchestra, miscellaneous, anything that doesn’t fit in these three other spots would be there. So let’s say I want rock music. I’m going to go ahead and right mouse click and do open a new tab, because I like to be able to just go back to the main one if I need to.
[00:01:00] Then you have a section right here. Don’t even worry about this stuff down here, those are user videos. What you can do is you can look through here and you’ve got rock, funk, retro, metal, hard, alternative and soft. These are all parts of what’s in the rock section. So, you’re just getting deeper and deeper in here. So if I go to rock here, I’m going to right mouse click again. Open link in new tab. That way I can just go back real fast. Then this is the music that is under this one right here. You can go ahead and listen to this one, just by pressing the little button here.
[00:01:30] So you can skip around, obviously, to listen to the different … So this one is four minutes long right here. So let’s say you do like this one, all you need to do is download right here, so you just click download and it will download. You save it to your computer, it saves as an mp3, and that is all you need to do. Simple as that.
[00:02:00] Then, they have what’s called a license creator, right here, which you don’t really need. I don’t think, if I remember correctly, it says you do not need a license at all, but if you need to use one, for a service or something, let’s say for YouTube, if it says, “Hey, this song has been tagged as owned by Teknoaxe.” Then you can actually create a license right here and put it on the page, but if you go through Creative Commons license information, it says that you don’t have to use it, but just double check on that in case it changes it moving [00:02:30] forward, but that’s all you need to do.
In that one, I can go back here and I can go to funk. He has obviously more in just the one right here, you can do more funk. Actually, let me go back where it says more rock. We were in the rock one. Click on more rock, and then here is a bunch more music too. So what I like to do is go thorough here and just listen to all of them. I’ll just right mouse click, open a new tab, and if I see this one and I’m like, “Oh. Let me check this one.”
[00:03:00] I like that one too. I’m going to download that one. I just keep downloading a bunch of them and make a folder with all the music that you like, and then be sure to organize it between rock, and any other types like techno so they’re separated. You can just go in there real quick and just grab whatever music you want. That’s how you do it, you just click on it and go, “Wyatt Earp, right here, let me listen to this one.” Click play.
Then you just download. Simple as that. Hope you enjoyed the video. Be a rockstar in your life, and make the world your stage.
Be a RockStar In Your Life,
& Make The World Your Stage!
Doc Dan
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Dr. Dan Ardebili is the co-founder of The 2RockStars, He is also a Internationally Renowned Best Selling Author, Reality TV Producer, Relationship & Life-Style Expert and Coach (teaching the world to live life with style!), Radio Show Host, and much more.