ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: How to Become Relevant when a Robot Takes Your Job | Pablos Holman | TEDxLA
Here’s Great Tip: How to Become Relevant when a Robot Takes Your Job | Pablos Holman | TEDxLA
Here is Something You Should See…
The Future Doesn’t Need You – How to Become Relevant when a Robot Takes Your Job
In this talk, Pablos dares you to imagine the possibilities in what once seemed impossible: a harmonious co-existence of humans and robots: Robots taking over your jobs and why they should; how this can trigger fear in humans and why it shouldn’t; redefining happiness; solving world problems like eliminating disease; a personal narrative of parenting that will bring you to your knees; and the responsibility of humans in all of this.
Pablos is one of the rare futurists actually implementing science fiction. His team at the Intellectual Ventures Lab is working with Nathan Myhrvold and Bill Gates to invent solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems.
For the first time ever, at TEDxLA, he shares his thoughts on the limits of what problems technology can help with, and what problems we still need humans to solve.
Pablos is a futurist, inventor, and notorious hacker.
He helped create the world’s smallest PC; 3D printers at Makerbot; & spaceships with Jeff Bezos. Currently, Pablos is working for Nathan Myhrvold at the Intellectual Ventures Laboratory inventing solutions to the world’s biggest problems
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
33 Replies to “ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: How to Become Relevant when a Robot Takes Your Job | Pablos Holman | TEDxLA”
Anyone with paper up for collaboration? Please kindly message me here and let's talk through chat (I'm quite an aspie), thank you.
The guys out of breath walking about on stage. Hope he doesn't get Covid 19!!
show this Ted Talk to those mofos at Boston Dynamics -_-
Love this guy..and this is team..NOT THE GUY……Dedicated supers soups…..critical energies of each field
Since when is 1MM a billion???
Beer. Beer satisfy most steps in the pyramid.
1st of All Your Playing GOD, we did not come from NOTHING. Now you want the people to simply accept AI is smarter when Your Creating them. Data is collected every single day. Wild
Robot will never take my job, im a programmer…
Nothing a good nuke cant solve.
ok i know this was a long time ago… but he did say the forbidden word: Safe. "It's a modern, "safe" rector…" tisk tisk. I'm not sure how to send him a product he himself called safe but … i bet if i did he would find a way to easily break it. xD
99% of people are worthless and do not deserve to live. Only the STRONG AND INTELLIGENT should be allowed to breed. Nuke the rest.
Leather pants…. interesting
Turn you collar down you fashion maven you.
Die to innovate?! Wow, nature is brutal.
We need the LASER BUG ZAPPER now in Bali! Enough chatter, get it to market!
What gives a tribal community from Ethiopia a sense of purpose? They live in extended families communities, they all work to survive and they share their food, care taking, wisdom, traditions and knowledge. Take away their ability to feed themselves through work by replacing it with robots and soon enough their existence becomes just as empty as that one in the west. Jobs are the only thing that is glueing western societies together. When robots replace us suicide will take care of that population hockey stick problem.
So the tech genius went on and adopted a kid from one of the happiest places on earth -Ethiopia. Did he solve a problem for her or for him?
such a cool guy!
Im already training my own neural network to recognize 20 000 pictures of my favourite game.. Ill make som networks to download millions of images and words from internet too:) it easy anyone can do it… then you can install it into a robot or whatever, and get a friend who knows all about your interests… Yes I do have friends but mostly they love stuff I dont care about
Get into robotic and automation programming
Birth control is what's really needed, not constantly trying to accommodate more people. Keywords: finite, planet, fossil fuels, scarcity
the day that you will stop using AFRICA as a bad example,i bet you will solve more problems that are waiting to be solved……
Truth is carbon is good for the environment, global warming is a control freak scam.
He is a very interesting dude.
The first sentient AI will reconise us as the threat we are, then what ?
Humanity is only a flirtation of the Universe, only we think we are SPECIAL
When will we learn, when we try to fix what we already broke, we end up doing more damage. The Earth will heal itself, just not on our time scale. We've already created an "Age", lets just step back and quitely go extinct.
About every 7-8 years for the past 30 years, I have been put out of work and had to change jobs because of technology.
i love this smart guy
Let me tell you how we will write the manual…. take the founding from people who work on killing bugs with lasers and build essential infrastructure (roads,houses, schools, electricity etc) for the poor people of this world.
Bono and Elon Musk's Lovechild
When robots take our jobs. We take a step back to become human. Then prepare for singularity. Just send an emp wave worldwide in case it happens