ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: From Scientist to Entrepreneur: A better person? | Yves Van Ingelgem | TEDxUNamur

ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: From Scientist to Entrepreneur: A better person? | Yves Van Ingelgem | TEDxUNamur

Here’s Great Tip: From Scientist to Entrepreneur: A better person? | Yves Van Ingelgem | TEDxUNamur

Here is Something You Should See…

After concluding his PhD Yves Van Ingelgem chose not the path of an academic career, but started preparing the launch of a Spin-Off company: Zensor. In order to make this a success it soon became clear that a totally new skill set was required. At first these capabilities seemed to be totally different from the ones developed in an academic context. This is true of course, but in the end not all appeared to be totally different. It turned out that in order to succeed as a new company, experimenting is essential. It is the only way to discover the true product-market fit. As such the skills trained so thoroughly during the path towards a PhD degree in the end also come in handy when pursuing success in business…

Ingénieur en sciences des matières et en chimie, Yves Van Ingelgem (VUB) a été proclamé « Innovateur de l’année 2015 » par le prestigieux MIT Technology Review.
Yves est fondateur et CEO de Zensor, un spin-off de la VUB spécialisé dans la détection en ligne de la corrosion.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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