Business Tips: Why You Need to Listen Before You Talk | Dailyvee 590
Awesome Tip: Why You Need to Listen Before You Talk | Dailyvee 590
People’s first questions whenever trying a new social media is “what should I post”? The best answer to that question is to not post anything at first and spend the first few hours just consuming the other people’s content to get a sense of the app in general and what type of content people are putting on it. You learn a lot more from listening at first before you talk!
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Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the globe. He’s a sought out public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an angel investor in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber.
VaynerX, also includes Gallery Media Group, which houses women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and men’s lifestyle brand ONE37pm. In addition to running VaynerMedia, Gary also serves as a partner in the athlete representation agency VaynerSports, cannabis-focused branding and marketing agency Green Street and restaurant reservations app Resy. Gary is a board/advisory member of Ad Council and Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity: Water.
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32 Replies to “Business Tips: Why You Need to Listen Before You Talk | Dailyvee 590”
Add value and don't be afraid for your content to become a trend!
Most of u copy Gary v that’s why I don’t believe you new guys not hating giving my opinion
That last long unbroken following shot entering the restaurant, very Goodfellas-esque. Nice!
The call was fucking brilliant
Guy talking to gary is not listening lol
Gary makes the impossible insane things sound like just another afternoon…
it's all about influencers nowadays!
Very good Advise Sir, tks!!!
Uh oh. No sonic tag. somebody is in trouble.
Hi Gary
I greatly appreciate this. You contribute to many peoples’ happiness.
Whats the song at 7:40?
I like this guy but the fact that he never worked a job growing up and all he did was work for his “dads” liquor store , really explains why he’s the way he is and why everyone else needs advice and help….people never tell u the whole story
Hey Gary, literally started a VLOG yesterday. I decided to show my journey and growth from day one and to force my self to hold my self accountable and I'm starting a podcast. Just gonna do it, with out putting expectations on to become the next big thing, just going to be me and speak about important topics and eventually topics that are important to my listeners when ever I grow little bit. Thanks for the push!
But tik tok is like biggest gayshit
very nice video gary. i was hoping i can text you but im in the philippines. and i hope you can help our countrymen in cotabato who were victims of earthquake. made my move to help and i was thinking to tell big influence people like you that might help. hope you can read this thanks more power
The # provided states service access denied???
Hey guys!! Watch my new video on my channel!!
Daily Hustle Energy! Thank you Gary!
Funny you say that, Gary. You should do that as well.
Fancy Restaurant
All men wearing Suits and Blazers.
Gary in a Henley shirt.
Favourite part of the video.
Holy shit, I stop watching you for months before youtube algorithm bring me back here. And the reason I stop watching, is because you apparently don't know how to listen before you talk, at least in all (or maybe 3, because that's all the cringe I can handle) interview videos, you don't let you guest talk, just keep interrupting them because you've got something more important to say. So I guess I have to watch this one and having a good laugh. Nice algorithm.
What’s his TT?
Thank you!
New signature audio? what is happening
He shouldn’t have to watch 5 hrs of videos to know what he wants to do .
We have 2 ears and 1 mouth! Wonder why? Great video!
Always dropping gems.
Thats why i love garyvee
3rd video had 3,5 million views!