Business Tips: The NFT Bubble: Why 97% of All NFT Art Right Now Is a Bad Investment | "The Outer Realm" Podcast

Business Tips: The NFT Bubble: Why 97% of All NFT Art Right Now Is a Bad Investment | "The Outer Realm" Podcast

Awesome Tip: The NFT Bubble: Why 97% of All NFT Art Right Now Is a Bad Investment | "The Outer Realm" Podcast

There is no doubt in my mind that non-fungible tokens will be a part of our lives for a long time. The problem right now is because it is such a new concept for many, people are rushing in and making large investments without doing the proper research and education. Today’s episode is an interview that I did on the podcast “The Outer Realm“ hosted by Eric Paul Rhodes. We talk about my macro overview of the NFT space, why I believe that I’m going to be involved in it for the rest of my life, and why I believe that 99% of current NFT projects won’t end up as remarkable investments. Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

Thanks for watching!
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Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the world’s leading marketing experts, a New York Times bestselling author, and the chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a contemporary global creative and media agency built to drive business outcomes for their partners. He is a highly popular public speaker, and a prolific investor with investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Coinbase, Slack, and Uber. Gary is a board/advisory member of Bojangles’ Restaurants, MikMak, Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water. He’s also an avid sports card investor and collector. He lives in New York City.

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46 Replies to “Business Tips: The NFT Bubble: Why 97% of All NFT Art Right Now Is a Bad Investment | "The Outer Realm" Podcast”

  1. Something really interesting what said on this interview and it was ignore by most. The NFT projects that will be successful in this space will be those with IP licenses. Why buy a collectible right now that will not hold its value or popularity in the feature, most of them might go down 90-99% in the next crash, but the ones that will survive are those with IPs. Hint: ECOMI and the VeVe app.

  2. Gary says live in the moment. It doesn't matter if it will be here long term. Milk the moment like I am. I am making good money on TKAT stock. NFT will be here and gone just like anything else. Milk it.

  3. I've got a proposal for you, GaryVee. I will sell you one NFT for $450,000. This will finance me quitting my day job forever and creating some of the absolute most mind bending artwork the world has ever seen for the rest of my life. I will never create another NFT. Yours will have been the catalyst for my career.

  4. NFT art For the most part is worthless just like the title says and yeah it is costing same amount of electricity to run one house for the day to do one transaction. And millions are being uploaded currently! It’s not worth the gas fees the current system charges!

  5. A week ago you were telling me I should be digitizing all my art I started my art Journey during the pandemic had never done a single piece of art I have 300 abstract pieces of art some of them garbage some of them are amazing so you're telling me I've wasted my time trying to do this thank you maybe it doesn't make a difference to you but I'm poor so for me to go out and get the equipment I needed I had to go without food and now you're telling me and everybody else 97% should not be looked at as an investment or anyting do you know how much it hurts hunger pains for days I literally didn't eat for 4 days not to mention all the issues around that but I appreciate your honesty but you were so passionate one week ago and now I've lost 15 lb starved for almost 5 days 4 s** and giggles great credibility it's not like money they don't make more everyday like they do money once your credibility or respect is gone good luck getting it back

  6. been telling all my artist friends interested in NFTs to make their works as unique and timeless as possible. This art will be on the blockchain for as long as the blockchain exists. Gary, your advice and information has inspired me to fund my cartoon Quantum Soup using NFTs to raise funds for paying animators and writers for the show! I'm absorbing all this advice like a sponge with a Wacom tablet, thank you for shining light into this incredible space

  7. its like anything thats new and hot don't jump in til the dust settles out. There isn't even an agreed upon standard bitcoin didnn't get there by starting yesterday. It set a standard and then the other coins came helped set a floor by being a limited amount, whats going to limit nft…

  8. Gary vee your content is really a life changer I'm sending my comment from north Africa (libya) and that's how far your content Is impacting other people's lives keep all the good work I love you man.

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