Business Tips: How to Live Your Life and Not Worry About Regret | Tea with GaryVee

Business Tips: How to Live Your Life and Not Worry About Regret | Tea with GaryVee

Awesome Tip: How to Live Your Life and Not Worry About Regret | Tea with GaryVee

Tea With GaryVee is a Q&A show where Gary answers questions in a much more detailed, slower format. He gets deep! In this episode, Gary answers questions around what to focus on after high school, living with regret, document vs creating and more! For a chance to be on the show, text your question and number to 1-212-931-5731, or if you’re international tweet your question with the hashtag #teawithgaryvee… Enjoy!

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38 Replies to “Business Tips: How to Live Your Life and Not Worry About Regret | Tea with GaryVee”

  1. Gary. Love your show but…Do your really want to tell men to get a girlfriend for a car? What happens to the girlfriend when he can afford his own car? Dump? Machiavellian? Hope not.
    You are into respecting people so I think I know what you meant but did you make it clear for all of your audience? I don't think so on this comment.

  2. Mr. Garry vaynerchuk I'm always confused with what buisness idea to apply though I'm 17 right now and want to pursue computer science. But also I'm willing to become and entrepreneur but it's always the idea that confuses me and what to try!!!!
    Thanks for your guidance you provide to us.

  3. Hey gary,
    how do you think about IM Mastery Acadamy, I know that you are not a fan of MLM, but whats about the skill you learn there (Trading), that something you can use your whole live.
    Ps. love your show!

  4. Gary i am reaching out i really need advice on how much share of my company to offer my upcoming business partner i have no clue what to look out for and what to consider, my company means everything to me i dont want to make a bad decision!

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