Business Tips: Coffee & Commerce Episode 3: The Gamechanger with Tobi Lutke

Business Tips: Coffee & Commerce Episode 3: The Gamechanger with Tobi Lutke

Awesome Tip: Coffee & Commerce Episode 3: The Gamechanger with Tobi Lutke

Super excited for you to join us on another episode of Coffee & Commerce! Today’s episode will be with Tobi Lutke! The founder and CEO of Shopify.

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33 Replies to “Business Tips: Coffee & Commerce Episode 3: The Gamechanger with Tobi Lutke”

  1. wow – the founder of Shopify! SFY is an amazing platform I use and has achieved his aim – the functionality is great and the customer service is phenomenal. I used to use WP but it's been bettered by SFY.

  2. GARYVEEEE IS THE MANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really made a couple hundred bucks since 2weeks. Now I started my youtube channel to make more and earn more related to my job. So thank you a lot. Goo Subscribe to my channel.

  3. I learned code by myself from scratch because I saw the huge change, even very young. It's crazy how people who don't understand tech stuff find it so valuable. It's a great way to present your skill as a crazy new thing even though it's the normal now.

  4. Woah!!! Shopify CEO is on your show!? That is so awesome. That surprised me. Lovely guests so far and I love how Gary always starts out humanizing the guests by allowing them to add a backstory.

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