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QOTD: I want to hear what your hope is for your children’s higher education?
12:30 – How would you guys utilize social media platforms for creating educational experiences?
17:29 – How are you going to be able to shift MissionU in the future to maybe cover other majors that are available and would it work with Corporate America?
23:14 – How do you go about learning how to delegate?
36:35 – What i would love to show to my students is you giving them some advice as to what to do after high school, if they don’t want to go to college.
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 5 locations. Gary is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times Bestselling Author, and has been named to both Crain’s and Fortune’s 40 Under 40 lists.
Gary is the host of the #AskGaryVee Show, a business and marketing focused Q&A video show and podcast, as well as DailyVee, a docu-series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO, investor, speaker, and public figure in today’s digital age.
Make sure to stay tuned for Gary’s latest project Planet of the Apps, Apple’s very first video series, where Gary will be a judge alongside Will.I.Am, Jessica Alba, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
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34 Replies to “Business Tips: ADAM BRAUN, MissionU, HOW TO DELEGATE & I PAY FOR A FIELD TRIP TO VAYNERMEDIA | #AskGaryVee 249”
Hey Gary! Love everything you do and have been supporting since 2012! I own a non profit called Impow3r that's focused around raising self awareness through both domestic and international service. Would love to be able to get a chance every if it's only 5 mins to talk to you and Adam. 732-570-2568 Love what you guys are doing! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
16:17 I can see people building their personal brands asset similar to bitcoin. The asset will be redeemable in the brand owners time.
I love this idea, I love to see any small and big change in the education system. But sorry Adam and Gary, but I believe that academyu, as well as personal development, is like trying to patch up a knife wound with a plaster. It will work for some. Why not prevent a knife would in the first place. I think when it comes to education we do not need a primary or secondary or higher education, what children needs are personalized education system, that teaches children to understand their personality, potential they strong and weak sides, that helps them to enhance their skills, and as well as directed and the mayor key skills that everyone needs (based on the current and proposed future technological development). If you are great at math you might be done with a 12-year program in 3 years, while taking 20 years to go through the science programme. I believe it is ok, to do at your pace with a focus on what you love. And the most important thing is I believe that teachers do not require to have a higher education to teach children, what they need is ability and passion to teach and children are the one who can decide whether teaches is suitable for them…
I'm so excited about this execution for a new model for higher education. It's definitely focused on someone in the liberal arts (music education) which makes NO money (I do it because I have to do it..happily), I don't think Missionu would ever offer classes in music theory and music because honestly only a handful of us will ever make $50K..
Thank You
Shoutout to Real Rap With Reynolds, My mom taught in North St.Louis and created job programs, personal development workshops, and other empowering situations for the students to learn and grow. You guys rock!!
Don’t go to college.
Coding bootcamps have had this same college- alternative business model for a couple of years now
yeah but before going into the program how will they know what field is for them without having had some experience in it? if students are not spending money, then they're spending time, that's why internship shld come first before applying to any school.
what area is missionU available at?
great vid!
First episode out of 30 that sucked. Ship that bum back to San Fran!!! Zzzzz
I have three boys and I just want them to do whatever they want without dragging anyone else down. I couldn't care less if they don't want to go to traditional college. I've seen too many people go and fail cus that's "what they were supposed to do" or be miserable in high school cus of college prep just for it to make no difference as you say once real world reality hit. If they want to, great, if not, great. I'll build them up and encourage THEIR interests not what anyone else wants. My oldest is only 4, and I'm so excited to see more from MissionU by the time my kids are at that point. It's awesome to see such innovation in education and I wish Adam nothing but massive success with that venture.
I LOVED this intro. Why did you guys stop using it?
No 1 ask for my kids – self awareness
#Qotd: So I'm not a parent, but I'm 32 and I tried 2 higher education tracks. I'm hugely happy I did. Mainly for the friends I still have from that period. It's unbelievable how hard it is to find like-minded people just by walking into a bar.
However, when I hear those guys there is one story that always comes back. The amount of stuff they learned in their higher education, that is still of use, and I mean like in, 2 to 5 years after graduation, is about 1%…
Personally I'm incredibly passionate, but when I feel like 50% of my time is wasted… I drop out. I start having fun, meet people, do more interesting stuff.
I have this one friend who actually did 3 years of higher education, graduated and then ended up in a job using a stopwatch to measure the time it takes for baby diaper granulates to go through a funnel… non stop for 3 months. day in and day out…
Furthermore, 1% of 3 years… Is a very short time! Everybody should be able to get a job super fast when it's about the knowledge. So I would like to see, schools become libraries, and teachers starting to work for companies themselves making the courses available online for new hires on the one hand, and perhaps keeping the sensitive stuff in house. And then just hire, fire, hire, fire… instead of those kids doing the 3 years, of brain-killing be quiet time
I have already applied and I have vaynermedia as my Goal company to work for.
I have made it through the top 2%, This week i will be notified if I'm getting in or not.
Has anyone else applied yet ?
I absolutely LOVE this guy!!! Gary, thank you so much for this amazing content!!! College is busted. Thank you so much for your Mission U !!! Super practical and great business model!!
I got accepted to Mission U but I cant find much info on it outside of the website.
QOTD: I want my kids to get out and experience everything they can to find what they want. Then if they want to study later on in life I will support it completely!
Wait so how long do you give 15% of your salary?
gary and adam make a good team
The guests always seem surprised by having to do the question of the day, like they've never seen his guest videos before…
Adam Braun and MissionU need to speak to KPMG. In the U.K there's a school leaver programme where you leave school, join work for at least 6 years and become a chartered accountant with no fees and a paid job
I am not sure whether the “Mission” in MissionU has anything to do with Christian mission work; despite their planned “mission trip.” After hearing the interview the curriculum seems to be secular job minded and focused on well paying positions which would in time keep their educational pumps primed.
I also noted the recommended conversation at 18:00 minutes. Its focus was on nursing and medical training brought up by a phone caller. It is true that many Christian missions recognize the need for healing ministries in conjunction with the ministry of the Gospel. Jesus freed people of their pain and this alleviated their distrust and enabled them to have not only trust in what Jesus said but to have a clearer mind with which to understand the message. However, this was not the intent of the interview or conversation at 18:00.
As to training for ministry, I agree that many coming out of our schools of higher education are not ready for real world ministry that comes with maturity in the field. As Jeff T, Justin K, Tim R pointed out degrees are not the ONLY measure of true heart and head education. The training of the disciples was a three year degree program that involved not only study of the book and lectures, but apprenticeship and field work both with the Master and on their own. The fishermen and other disciples (the 12, the 70, and more) many not have had the training Saul/Paul received, but no Jewish male of that day was devoid of training in personal Bible study even beyond the bar-mitzvah level. Even Paul, with all his specialized training under Gamaliel needed special time with Jesus too, beyond the road to Damascus meeting.
While I admit that many even of our seminary graduates are not fitted for the work (even though some of those are getting jobs with the Conferences in the USA), I also recognize that many graduating from the Andrews University Theological Seminary are well grounded. They are both theologically sound as well as trained in practical ministry skills. I have not determined why this is. Do they take a different mix of classes? Do they take classes with the same title from different professors? Is it the way they were brought up at home before ever coming to seminary that made the difference? Was it their undergraduate training; at which school did they receive their BA? It is obvious that some have a close walk with God and others are trusting in their own wisdom and not His. But I do not know what it I that is making the difference.
There are already places, other less formal, non-degreed, schools of evangelism like ARISE, Emmanuel, and others that polish not only lay workers, but are accepted by Conferences as suitable training grounds for a pool from which they can employ Bible Workers to assist local Churches with their personal and small group Bible study programs. Some of these prove worthy of hiring as pastors. Most of these are then sponsored to go to seminary training or to undergraduate programs in religious studies.
When I was a new Seventh-day Adventist, I could not understand the importance of a degree for ministry. Why not let the Lord lead; just read the Bible and follow the Holy Spirit and let these inspired sources be my guide?
It was only after receiving my higher degrees through a long process exceeding the route and requirements taken by most, then honing these skills at the same time during seminary by working with a local church under several mentoring pastors, doing the same full time before and after receiving my M.Div. under other pastors, and finally serving as a pastor in my own districts that I realized how important some of the information learned in higher education and the connections made there as resource persons with whom to consult by phone or in person.
Seminary not only taught me what to do, how to better interpret the Bible, how to utilize study resources and the Spirit of Prophecy writings (like the ones quoted by others in this thread), but also how others, both Christians and non-Christians think and how to answer their questions, needs, and issues. It is like learning to speak another language. If you only speak in one language and that language has the baggage of a particular culture’s idioms, allusions, and mindset then you can only speak effectively to a small part of the world. It may be too deep or involved to explain it quickly here, but walking with the Lord and being able to communicate that message to others requires both training, experience under discipleship tutelage, and a close personal walk with the Lord. At the highest level, whether in Conference Administration or higher, or in the local church as a Pastor, these skills require a formal higher education or its equivalent.
As inspiring and motivational as shorter evangelism school methods may be, these really can only whet the appetite of the true student of the Word and aspiring Pastor. With the real Pastor, education is not a short burst, nor is it an in-depth advanced degree program. These are only steps along a much longer lifelong experience.
The problem as I see it, is when any minister or Bible worker thinks they have arrived. When they delude themselves into thinking they have all the answers or at least the important ones. When they become dictators instead of fellow disciples. When they fail to continue to study and grow in the ways of the Lord.
Does this require a college education? I believe that at some point it must. Those with one will not necessarily be more advanced than those without one. However, with an advanced degree, the options and abilities for further knowledge are opened to those with that level of education (however it is acquired) than to those without those skills that may initially seem unimportant, mundane, intellectualized trivia, or ivory tower rambling. It is only those so equipped that can break through the communication barriers as well and the blinders and blockades of the enemy inside and outside of the official “churches” of all cultures and subcultures and begin to make a difference in evangelizing the world as called to do in Matthew 28.
You said "Benoit Benjamin." #onblast
Going to go to Mission U and make $49,000 a year for the rest of my life.
Gary I am a big advocate for what your teaching because I believe our current higher education system is broken and someone with a education degree I believe it begins with even junior high and high school we should be creating something different in our US education system. I think having someone like Donald Trump in office who disrupted the system could be a great partner in making our education system the best again.
3:29 Funny thing is this similar to how college works in my country (Trinidad), except the government pays your tuition and you have to work in the country for a few years after you complete the degree. A private institution doing this is awesome.
Crushing episode. Thank you!
This is a good question for me at an interesting time. First, I don't plan on having kids. Second, I believe in formal education, but it doesn't necessarily mean traditional college. Currently, I teach, but I do not think today's youth have the discipline to learn on their own. Therefore, they will not receive the skills sets they need to be great. We do not get paid based on interest.
On the other hand, I'm considering a PhD for a plethora of reasons. Moreover, the impact on my community to see you can do academia and business and still be successful. It doesn't have to be either or when it can be and both.
really really liked this one!!
The discussion on delegation and leadership is the most value I have received out of your videos Gary, and that says a lot because I have watched them all and I always have a good take away.