Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 191: Influencer Marketing, How to Go Viral & Vlogging

Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 191: Influencer Marketing, How to Go Viral & Vlogging

Awesome Tip: #AskGaryVee Episode 191: Influencer Marketing, How to Go Viral & Vlogging

#QOTD, from Lauryn: Where do you guys see Snapchat in the next two to three years?
#QOTD, from Sara: Do you guys think Twitter is dead? Cause I’m really liking it.

5:41 – Is there such thing as a viral formula to make things spread?
10:09 – I’ve been blogging since 2009. I know my audience super well, but my views won’t budge; thoughts?
18:02 – I’ve done over 700 interviews, I want to start expanding! How do I monetize?
20:27 – If I’m trying to start a YouTube channel, how do I break through the noise?
24:30 – When did you decide to start building your personal brand and why?

Sara’s channel
Lauryn’s channel

Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.

The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.

Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.

Find Gary here:

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Snapchat: garyvee

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42 Replies to “Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 191: Influencer Marketing, How to Go Viral & Vlogging”

  1. I am a wedding and event planner and decorator. I just worked with an influencer with about 70K followers. She started sharing and tagging and mentioning my business. This might be a stupid question but what do I do next? LOL! Do I just repost and share all the stuff im mentioned in. That seems sort of spammy. I am still in complete shock that I was able to work with this person. I've gained about 10 followers overnight because of her mentioned and tags and as little as it is that a lot for me hahahahah! I guess I just need some action steps on what to do after you work with the influencer. Thank you I know this is an old ass video but all the info helps

  2. I see alot of neg comments I certainly hope you guys subscribe to Gary Vee as well as most say they feel for Sara Sub to her channel She has great content, I did look at skinnyConfidential as well but didnt keep my attention not into beauty looked at website and felt the same! Sara I saw her video called Girl in Casey Naisat Video and subbed long ago!

  3. In this Video every one is competing to get their voice out in a time sensitive way – it’s stress inducing – but I learning that videos don’t have to be perfect to be put on the internet. you learn by doing and the process of improvement is what matters .

  4. Love this as it applies to me and trying to keep my faith up running a start up and new YouTube channel. I am spending every free minute studying, listening to Podcasts, and YouTube videos to get as much info on what I am growing. I will do whatever it takes to grow into the person I need to be to execute properly. And now I am confused if I need to take massive action or balance education and action or focus more on education.

  5. Gary I’ve been getting so inspired by all your videos man!! I’m doing all I can approaching all the different platforms. Time management is a stretch and a half!! My YouTube is growing steadily last few months. And today you followed my CBD Oil Instagram! Sweet!

  6. Hey Sara (if she were to ever come back to read this)
    Today is 4/08/2018 & yesterday Gary liked one of my tweets where I quoted him
    and my twitter has had nonstop notifications for at least 24hrs and normally my phone is dead from twitter

    soooooo take that however it helps

    & for Lauryn — lol snapchat is dead now

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