ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: The Social Capital | Mahmoud Nabulsi | TEDxJubileeSchool

ENTREPRENEUR BIZ TIPS: The Social Capital | Mahmoud Nabulsi | TEDxJubileeSchool

Here’s Great Tip: The Social Capital | Mahmoud Nabulsi | TEDxJubileeSchool

Here is Something You Should See…

Mahmoud Nabulsi is the founder of an initiative called ‘Ezwitti’ which was inspired from an Italian café. Ezwitti aims to help the less fortunate in a way that protects their dignity. It is based on a concept that helps build a better community by making people more aware about the problems that poor people face on a daily basis.He explains that opening this project was only the start of influencing more positive change and initiatives in our communities, in the aim of solving more long term problems. Mahmoud Nabulsi started an initiative in 2015 called Ezwitti; a social solidarity
restaurant to allow the poor and hungry eat with dignity by having his paying
customers pay for 2 meals; for themselves and somebody else, anonymously. He
also is the Youth and Outreach Program Manager at The Royal Health Awareness
Society. He is also the founder of an independent social initiative in 2012 called
Tasbeera aimed at filling the growing gap in the humanitarian response, by supplying
both Syrian refugees and their Jordanian hosts around Jordan. Mr.Nabulsi has a lot
of experience in youth development and participation and civil society in Jordan and
the Arab region including Palestinian Camps, refugee communities, conflict and post
conflict states.
قام محمود النّابلسي عام 2015 بتأسيس مبادرة اجتماعيّة إنسانيّة مستلهمًا الفكرة من تجربته الإنسانيّة وثقافة الضّيافة والكرم فسمّاها “عزوتي”، حيث أنشأ مطعمًا يتيح لزبائِنه فرصة دعوة إنسانٍ من خلال دفع ثمن وجبة لمن يحتاج إلى جانب ثمن وجبته الشّخصيّة. كما أنّ النّابلسي يتولى منصب مدير برنامج الشّباب والتّوعية في الجمعيّة الملكيّة للتّوعية الصّحيّة. ويعتبر مؤسس مبادرة “تصبيرة” والّتي انطلقت عام 2012 لتسدّ الفجوة المتزايدة في الاستجابة الإنسانيّة وذلك من خلال دعم كلٍ من اللاجئ السّوري والمضيف الأردنيّ في جميع أنحاء البلاد. للنّابلسي باعٌ طويلٌ وخبرةٌ ثريّة في مجال تنمية الشّباب والمشاركة على مستوى شتّى المجتمعات الإنسانيّة سواء أكان في المجتمع المدنيّ الأردني، أو في المنطقة العربيّة بما فيها من المخيّمات الفلسطينيّة، ومجتمعات اللاجئين، ومناطق الصّراع وما يليه. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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