Business Tips: The Doubt Around NFTs is Very Similar to What People Said About the Early Days of the Internet

Business Tips: The Doubt Around NFTs is Very Similar to What People Said About the Early Days of the Internet

Awesome Tip: The Doubt Around NFTs is Very Similar to What People Said About the Early Days of the Internet

It is still so so early for the non-fungible (NFT) space and I have tons of empathy for the skepticism and doubts that people have around it. NFT is a lot more than …

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20 Replies to “Business Tips: The Doubt Around NFTs is Very Similar to What People Said About the Early Days of the Internet”

  1. Gary do you know Jesus He is the one who saved me, from what? From eternity. Eternity exist as the bright shine of the sun comes to apper here in Brazil this morning, as the beauty of life that extends to more than one lifetime shines brighter than the understanding of beauty limited to it. But HE saved me from a bad eternity, without the knowledge of God. I'm saved and will live forever in the kingdom. Be saved by believing that Jesus the Mighty God died for you and is alive for you. May you be blessed by this message. Amen

  2. Gary, until you can tell me what's stopping someone from taking the piss out of you for having a nyan cat gif that's worth thousands of dollars, when I have the same one from Google, but not on the blockchain.

    Yes, money is to be made in the short term, but if it son the Internet, its not unique no matter how hard you try. One is on blockchain, the other isn't, noone really cares.

  3. As I’ve said before most NFTS will be worthless. The only NFT YOU should buy are the ones artists release that you personally support. Expect to lose 100% of your money term with the potential for it to rise. The technology behind NFTS is what the future is not NFTs themselves. Where 99% of NFTS are shit I can assure you alternate/cryptos currencies will have a far better market run in the future on top of specialize markets of their own coin. Welcome to the era of re-evaluating wealth everyone. @Nano_Nation

  4. Makes sense. Sounds like you’re mentioning a time when NFTs might become more established. Like sportscards, maybe comics maybe others.

    Meaning, the very TOP 1-5% of the market eventually holds or increases…while the rest can kick bricks.

    The question would remain will that be across artists? Genres? properties? Marvel/DC?

    Lots of segments AND potential saturation, but I think I understand you.

    With that said, still, we are talking collectibles not financial internet modem stocks. Which is my perspective as I am not invested in the business side, which maybe you alluded to? I don’t want to infer more than I should here.

    so what would THAT look like. Potentially….If I’m not @GaryVee but had interest in the ‘business’ of NFT but not the investment ‘into’ NFTs

  5. So, today a creator went on a diatribe about the deep “carbon footprint” NFTs create because of the amount of energy it takes to produce. Anyone hearing any of this nonsense??
    Will NFTs be next on Cancel Culture/ SJW’s chopping block? These people create nothing and do their best to destroy everything. It’s unfortunate.

  6. What about the environmental impact of NFTs? They need computing power to be verified, the electricity is far from always green, especially in China where the largest crypto-mining centres are that are needed to verify the NFT. Is it really worth getting into something that is potentially harmful to the environment at this stage? The potential for the technology is enormous, sure, but at what cost?

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