Business Tips: Does Anyone Know What Happens in Cannes? | DailyVee 564

Business Tips: Does Anyone Know What Happens in Cannes? | DailyVee 564

Awesome Tip: Does Anyone Know What Happens in Cannes? | DailyVee 564

On this episode, we get an inside look at 3 days of Gary’s week-long trip to in Cannes, France. He was there in June for the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival and met with people from all around the world in the advertising and marketing industry. While there, he did a panel with “Meet the Legends”, WHALAR and Brian Whipple, Young Lions Creative Academy Keynote, and more!

Special thanks to Tom Huerta for providing some of the b-roll used in this episode.
Thank you Tom 💙 you can follow his Instagram here:

Your comments are my oxygen, please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let me and my team know what you thought of the video … p.s. It would mean the world to me if you hit the subscribe button 😉

My direct to consumer winery, Empathy Wines:
My new K-Swiss sneaker:

Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the globe. He’s a sought out public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an angel investor in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber.

VaynerX, also includes Gallery Media Group, which houses women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and men’s lifestyle brand ONE37pm. In addition to running VaynerMedia, Gary also serves as a partner in the athlete representation agency VaynerSports, cannabis-focused branding and marketing agency Green Street and restaurant reservations app Resy. Gary is a board/advisory member of Ad Council and Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity: Water.

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46 Replies to “Business Tips: Does Anyone Know What Happens in Cannes? | DailyVee 564”

  1. Exactly Gary, when I was young I entered national competitions to fix both pollution and overpopulation together with my class in Belgium, we came in 2nd and 1st.. All nice and dandy, I now work and honoustly don't give a flying fck about the environment. Try caring about that while struggling to pay rent. 50% indeed doesn't care, but 50% is also close to poor, and I hope these people will refuse change until justice is done if it comes to money.

  2. So much of your content addresses all these little thoughts rolling around in my head that I cannot articulate. I always come across something that resonates and then I can write it down. Case in point "Practice the activities that are scary to you as much as possible. The more you do them the more comfortable you will be doing them."

    I've been making a lot of unpublished snips of video to figure out what I want to do on my YouTube channel. My intention is to become more comfortable seeing and hearing myself. I've been doing this for over 11 months. I hosted my class reunion at my house. For practice, I posted updates and progress of preparation on Facebook groups in video form only.

    Recently I was asked by my dentist office if I would come in and be part of an online marketing interview/testimonial. I told them sure and that I thought it would be fun. Because of my practicing being in front of a camera I was surprisingly comfortable and I wasn't nervous at all. The small production crew commented on it several times that day. I found myself empathizing and trying to alleviate anxiety some the dental staff who were in the videos had. This included my dentist.

    Practicing what scares you or makes you nervous is a huge tool for me. I have already been figuring out how to apply it to an additional project I will be starting.

    Thanks Gary!

    YFS (Your Friend Stash)

  3. Lol "we when are so oppressed blah blah blah" this kind of internalized oppression bullshit is the reason there aren't as many female entrepreneurs. Everybody gets shit on, but women take it to heart. Men just give up and realize they can't please most people, but women keep trying

  4. Hey Gary, I'm new to your life on social media and I enjoyed every piece of content so far. Especially the parts about live advice.. a lot of business advice can also be used for every day problems. thanks! 🙂

  5. Gary, I love what you're saying about doing the work to save the world, that's what I'm planning on doing by starting a farm that uses new, better methods that work with nature and improves nature while being more productive, and I plan on building tiny homes and a tiny home eco-resort/community, I think this could help a lot of people as well as be profitable so we can grow. Want to be part of it? I would need about 500k for land and 200k to build 10 tiny houses and another 200k for infrastructure for both the farm and eco-resort/community

  6. Awesome Gary. the piece where you are asked your favorite word; you touched on what Empathy means to you…got me a little emotional. In a world of fakers and poser, I genuinely appreciate the connection I feel from you. Much Respect & Love.

  7. One of the wisest things Gary said when he was letting those Climate Change people have it. People are trying to pay their bills and survive, they don't have time to worry about the polar bears and the ice caps.

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