Business Tips: Calling In On The Show | #AskGaryVee Episode 200

Business Tips: Calling In On The Show | #AskGaryVee Episode 200

Awesome Tip: Calling In On The Show | #AskGaryVee Episode 200

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#QOTD: What direction would you like to see the show go in for episodes 200-300?

04:21 – What can I do to help prepare myself to become a business owner?
08:42 – Amongst all the social noise, what do you look for when people are trying to connect with you?
12:00 – What’s the best way to get over the fear of failing when starting a business?
16:07 – How do I get past the gate keepers in my industry?
20:03 – What’s the best product to use for a white label CRM?
25:19 – When is the right time to throw in the towel on one business to focus on another?


Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.

The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.

Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.

Find Gary here:

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Snapchat: garyvee

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37 Replies to “Business Tips: Calling In On The Show | #AskGaryVee Episode 200”

  1. As always, there is so much valuable information here. I especially liked your reflection at the end of the show about how there were parts here that could lead to something great. Good to mix it up once in a while, and I loved how you demonstrated that you just have to jump in. That's how you find those parts. Thank you!

  2. Just started listening to this show in my car on audio podcast – was very difficult to make out what the callers were saying, had to keep turning the volume up then down again and repeat, got annoying. Boosting the audio levels of the callers in post production would make a huge difference. I used to produce podcasts and it's pretty easy to do in post production. Great show apart from that – thumbs up!

  3. i may differ from the crowd but i loved the call in style show! maybe have India or someone in another room monitoring calls and picking some of the really good questions and forwarding them to Gary in the conference room? love it Gary!

  4. I like this format in addition to the regular version of The Show..maybe when doing the live call-in version have them required to ask the question within a minute or so, even bring a timer in and if they fail to do so it's NEXT…

  5. Great stuff Gary either way….But I do not like the call in model. For those of us that time is crucial, and I know you of course understand, the call in format has too much down time having the caller talk and discuss. I would rather go back to old format where you rocket though questions and hear your advice more, instead of listening to the callers struggle though setting up there questions. #selfishonmypart

  6. As someone watching later I enjoy seeing how you/your team handles things that don't already run smoothly. Overall I enjoy the show. I don't want you to only do this kind, but every now and then is great. Thanks!

  7. All the best call in shows have screeners, add that and call in would be great. Maybe even creating a "theme" for the call in i.e. industry specific, platform specific etc.

    Would love to see episode 300. Hope you get there.

  8. This "call in" show is "inefficient" not just because there is waaaay too much time listening to callers saying "hi how are you this is my question, let me be brief…(yawn yawn) but also because there is no don't have time to select the "good" questions. and Twitter forces the questions to be brief. Call in can be fun but then you need an hour of questions to produce 10 mins of content.

    I prefer the old GV show (btw the podcast audio is both great and still neglected compared to video)

    and I'm still waiting for a clue to find out if NY Jets are a football, soccer or baseball team… I could ask Google but I prefer to wait..

    Greetings from Krakow – -not so far from Belarus

    Richard Lucas

  9. Gary this was a really fun show I love seeing it live and taking down google voice with you, afterward I watched via google cardboard, really fun episode and I love the experimentation… keep innovating

  10. For the next 200 episodes (see what I did there?), keep expanding your value examples. Let's hear examples from lots of different industries: Teacherpreneurs, Churches, More Political Candidate stuff, freelance actors, etc. etc. Drop the clouds down to lots of different dirt. Thanks for everything!

  11. I will quit my job in a heart beat and sell the ish out of your content. I will work more than 15 hours calling anybody and everybody on your list of potential clients. My qualifications are an obsession with helping you succeed.

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